Astronomy and Astrophysics

Astronomy and astrophysics are branches of science that explore the universe, studying celestial objects such as stars, planets, galaxies, and the phenomena that occur in space

Start at March 24, 2024 1,152,628 already registered
more than 99% of students rate this course content and results as Super

Skills you will get

Learning astrophysics and astronomy can equip you with a variety of skills, both technical and transferable

  • Maths knowledge

    Aenean venenatis scelerisque enim, in blandit ex pulvinar a. Mauris commodo lacus vel urna posuere tempor.

  • Knowledge of physics

    Skills focus on the marketable skills of styling the Web-page with Cascade Style Sheets CSS3

  • Concentration skills

    Aenean venenatis scelerisque enim, in blandit ex pulvinar a. Mauris commodo lacus vel urna posuere tempor.

  • Analytical thinking skills

    Aenean venenatis scelerisque enim, in blandit ex pulvinar a. Mauris commodo lacus vel urna posuere tempor.

  • Problem solving

    Aenean venenatis scelerisque enim, in blandit ex pulvinar a. Mauris commodo lacus vel urna posuere tempor.

  • Reporting

    Aenean venenatis scelerisque enim, in blandit ex pulvinar a. Mauris commodo lacus vel urna posuere tempor.

  • Developing and testing theories

    Aenean venenatis scelerisque enim, in blandit ex pulvinar a. Mauris commodo lacus vel urna posuere tempor.

  • Observation

    Aenean venenatis scelerisque enim, in blandit ex pulvinar a. Mauris commodo lacus vel urna posuere tempor.

Course program:

All course - 3 Units ( 320 hours)

Duis maximus nisl gravida elit molestie tincidunt. Duis ac tristique justo. Nulla porttitor mattis nibh, et dignissim nibh ullamcorper a. Donec dignissim semper facilisis. Nunc consectetur mauris consectetur justo gravida, eu tristique urna mattis. Fusce eu dolor vitae dui semper gravida ut quis nisi. Praesent semper suscipit bibendum. Mauris sed dictum ipsum. Aenean dictum ipsum eu arcu pretium, vestibulum malesuada orci tincidunt. Aenean ut fringilla velit. In tincidunt, mauris ut vestibulum tristique, neque enim posuere diam, ut ullamcorper diam dui eu mauris

  • 1st Unit

    80 hours

    Course: Getting Started with Simple Styling

    Nulla sed suscipit lectus. Phasellus rhoncus vulputate odio et placerat. Aenean ut aliquam erat. Integer rutrum eleifend ante, a bibendum leo tristique id. Phasellus euismod sapien non ornare sagittis. Donec molestie eros dolor. Curabitur laoreet neque at magna pulvinar cursus

    13 Video Lectures, 6 Training Methodics, 4 Tasks

    Skills You Get: CSS

  • 2nd Unit

    110 hours

    Course: Week Three: Pseudo-classes, Pseudo-elements, Transitions, and Positioning

    Nulla sed suscipit lectus. Phasellus rhoncus vulputate odio et placerat. Aenean ut aliquam erat. Integer rutrum eleifend ante, a bibendum leo tristique id. Phasellus euismod sapien non ornare sagittis. Donec molestie eros dolor. Curabitur laoreet neque at magna pulvinar cursus

    13 Video Lectures, 6 Training Methodics, 4 Tasks

    Skills You Get: Advanced CSS

    Course: Web Design Principles, Grids and Composition

    Nulla sed suscipit lectus. Phasellus rhoncus vulputate odio et placerat. Aenean ut aliquam erat. Integer rutrum eleifend ante, a bibendum leo tristique id. Phasellus euismod sapien non ornare sagittis. Donec molestie eros dolor. Curabitur laoreet neque at magna pulvinar cursus

    8 Video Lectures, 6 Training Methodics, 4 Tasks

    Skills You Get: Design

  • 3rd Unit

    130 hours

    Course: What is HTML5. Adaptive layout

    Nulla sed suscipit lectus. Phasellus rhoncus vulputate odio et placerat. Aenean ut aliquam erat. Integer rutrum eleifend ante, a bibendum leo tristique id. Phasellus euismod sapien non ornare sagittis. Donec molestie eros dolor. Curabitur laoreet neque at magna pulvinar cursus

    24 Video Lectures, 6 Training Methodics, 4 Tasks

    Skills You Get: Advanced HTML5

    Course: Website Development and Final Task - Real Site Landing

    Nulla sed suscipit lectus. Phasellus rhoncus vulputate odio et placerat. Aenean ut aliquam erat. Integer rutrum eleifend ante, a bibendum leo tristique id. Phasellus euismod sapien non ornare sagittis. Donec molestie eros dolor. Curabitur laoreet neque at magna pulvinar cursus

    13 Video Lectures, 6 Training Methodics, 4 Tasks

    Skills You Get: Website Development, Web Accessibility, WordPress, WooCommerce

  • You'll get:

    After the final task and according to the results

    Advanced Development Skills, University Certified Certificate, Ready website, Job offers from our partners


What early learners say about this course

“Appreciate the opportunity to contribute to humanity's understanding of the universe through research and observation. The potential for groundbreaking discoveries can be highly motivating”
mediaSakshi Mishra
“Studying astronomy often involves interactions with passionate professors, researchers, and fellow students who share a love for the subject. This supportive community can foster a rich learning environment”
mediaAman khan
“Nulla sed suscipit lectus. Phasellus rhoncus vulputate odio et placerat. Aenean ut aliquam erat. Integer rutrum eleifend ante, a bibendum leo tristique id. Phasellus euismod sapien non ornare sagittis. Donec molestie eros dolor. Curabitur laoreet neque at magna pulvinar cursus. Nulla euismod orci in varius mollis”
mediaRaunak Bhati
“Hands-on experience, whether through observing with telescopes, participating in research projects, or engaging in fieldwork. These experiences can be both educational and exciting”
mediaGaurav Sharma
“Careers in academia or research, others find that the skills they develop in astronomy and astrophysics open doors to diverse career paths, including data science, engineering, science communication, and even finance”
mediaMuskan Khan

Course teachers

  • media
    D.C.S. Grover Wehner
    Developer and Lead Instructor
  • media
    Oleta Carroll
    Web-developer, UX Architect
  • media
    Dejuan Maggio
    Web-developer, UX Architect
  • media
    Steve Weissnat
    Product&Project Management


The intensive course is now open, which starts on January 8. You will receive detailed information on admission by mail immediately after registration

Price: $320 all course/ $ 30 per month

our consultant will contact you to clarify further details